Last night (Sunday) I threw caution to the winds, left the house at 18.45 and walked to the pub. The special occasion to get me
Category: Stuff
Blogathon 09/25: Voiture
The Insignia has been with us for 6 years. I’ve played with the notion of replacing it for a while, but I think about it
Blogathon 08/25: Enterprise
I was busy having a post-lunch doze while one of the many Star Trek films was on’t telly when, about 40 minutes in, the Starship
Blogathon 07/25: Speeding
Towards the back end of last year a call went out for volunteers to run the village community speedwatch scheme. The volunteers would go out
Blogathon 06/25: Bumped
I took the car to the Romanian lads in the next town, slipped them a couple of tenners (not tenors, that’s something quite different) then
Blogathon 05/25: Passed
There are people we encounter who seem to be giants. Larger than life they make an impact – leave such an impression that a little
Blogathon 04/25: Mud!
The spanners have been nocturnal buggers lately. Kipping well until the very early hours and then having a burst of energy where they dash downstairs,
Blogathon 03/25: Smart?
We have been smart metered. Not smart metred, that’s something quite different. Anyway. Our electricity and gas meters were replaced with devices that have SIM
Blogathon 02/25: It’s Groundhog Day. Again
(It wouldn’t be Groundhog Day if I didn’t repeat this one again) I could write a detailed academic essay on the film Groundhog Day, but
Blogathon 01/25: It’s here!
I know you’ve been on tenterhooks and it’s finally arrived. The first of February. After a January that seemed to last a little longer than
Broader band
Well, TalkTalk and Openreach conspired to do their stuff and despite the fact we live in a small rural village in the arse end of
Poor comms?
For *months* the 18yo has complained about poor WiFi reception in her room. The symptoms she has been reporting include: Alexa has been playing up,
I’ve been closely following the WordPress war that broke out a couple of months ago and is still going strong. The whole WPE vs Automattic
Media tart
On Thursday just gone (that’s 19th Dec 2024 to you) I somehow appeared in the online and print versions of the Daily Telegraph. The online
Openreach are delivering FTTP and tell us our new broadband speed, when connected, will be 1Gb/s down and 220Mb/s upload (depending on which tariff and
We went to Wales!
Well OK, as a headline this isn’t terribly unusual, but we went to Lampeter, home of University of Wales, Trinity St David’s, which is where
Tempest series info
OK, so. I have been busy. Or at least I think I’ve been busy. On the writing front the manuscript for book #4 (the final
Vauxhall 2
A quick recap, or you could read the whole of part one here. A couple of weeks ago my neighbour accidentally clunked the front of
Home Alone (not)
I’m the only human in the house this weekend. The 18yo is moving in to student accommodation at the University of Wales and that means
That time of the year again
The Insignia’s MOT, Service and insurance are all hitting the wire in the next 30 days. MOT and insurance costs are mitigated by using the
The big breakfast
A couple of days ago Young Masher and I finally had our occasional ‘meet up for a brew, a chew, and a (insert rhyming word
Smart? Meter?
Our energy supplier (Ovo) has been writing letters and calling me, telling me that we need to get a smart meter installed because the radio
The results are in!
Yesterday morning the 18yo was at her sixth-form place of education bright and early to collect her A-Level results. I’m so pleased to be able
Safety thirst
While I sit here sipping a delicious hot chocolate (I don’t know how she does it, but my good lady wife her indoors makes better
You know you should reboot your router when…
Before: After:
A big day out
Yesterday we went to Newark Book Festival.
Independence Day
Today is the 4th of July so I thought I’d take a few moments to have a little trip through some of the more notable
Comments test
To determine how long the comments remain open when actually set to close 22 days after 11th June 2024
Golden people!
‘Just a pile of old gold I haven’t used in ages.’ These were the words of a woman featured in an advert on commercial radio.
Exciting day!
Keep reading, you may think this is dull, but it gets very exciting! But be warned, I mean this gets very exciting. Saturday’s forecast promised
I’m aware that walking boots have been through a significant amount of change over the last few decades. When I was a whippersnapper, walking boots
Pets At Home (again)
I’m determined to give Pets At Home my money. They have a product that we buy a lot of. They have a good price for
Caravan plumbing (again)
Well, the bathroom mixer tap failed again. I say again, but the last time it failed was last year. I bought a new one after
Dun a runner
One of the lovely things about the place we stayed in the Mysterious East is it’s tremendously dog friendly. The caravan CL (certified location) is
The NWCC sailing club has it’s annual shakedown cruise on Easter Saturday (that’s the day after Good Friday and before Easter Sunday. The shakedown is
I’m not normally given to big introspections (is that the right word), but lately I’ve been thinking about what I’ve lost, rather than what I’ve
Insurance Ninja
0344 381 7540 Insurance Nina For the last two years I’ve had the Ninja insured with Kawasaki Insurance. They were (two years ago) the cheapest
Just a light trim?
On yesterday afternoon’s dogwalk, we came across one of the local arboralicologists arborolists tree-cutters doing their thing. The pair of large fir trees that stand
The Doctor is out
I had a cold, did I mention this? Oh yes, I see I did, about five and a bit weeks ago. Well, anyway. The cold
Filthy rich and dogflap*
I’ve just ordered a dogflap. This is the third one I’ve ordered (and will have fitted) in three and a half years. The dogs keep
It’s a sign!
I hang around in some of the dustier, less fashionable corners of the Internet because it’s there that one occasionally finds gold. That’s a great
Beware of the Leopard
There are words and phrases that my mind (and maybe yours too) just sucks up and stores in a special place for future use. That