Car owner?
Want to reduce your motoring overheads?
Let me help you.
I guarantee that by following my four easy steps you can cut the cost of your motoring bill by a minimum of £205.
Probably more!
Step 1: Sell your car
Step 2: Take that money to a neighbouring country (because they drive on the same side of the road, The Republic of Ireland might be best. But if you fancy a challenge go to Spain where cars are significantly cheaper than the UK).
Step 3: Buy a newish, low mileage used car.
Step 4: Drive it back to this country.
Hey presto!
No more road tax.
As the law stands you have six months before you need to declare the vehicle.
That’s six months of tax-free motoring.
But hey, suppose you forgot to declare it?
Suppose you forgot to insure it?
That would be inexpensive motoring, wouldn’t it?
Now let’s not be mistaken about something.
The reason for this little rant is because I’ve just learned:
* local authorities don’t chase up parking fines where the vehicle that incurred the fine is a foreign-registered vehicle.
* the DVLA have no means of checking that any foreign-registered vehicle on British roads is taxed in its home country.
* the police have no means of checking that any foreign-registered vehicle on British roads is insured (how easy would it be for someone with a rudimentary knowledge of a foreign language and PC or Mac skills to knock up a dummy certificate?).
This is the 21st Century and we don’t have what seems to me to be rudimentary communications channels with all other countries in the Eurozone?