In my continuous quest to find even less time in which to do the things I need to do, I have assumed an additional role. I have joined the local secondary school as a parent governor.
After a slow start (it took ages for my ordinary DBS check to come through which is bonkers, I already have an Enhanced DBS and a live REDACTED at a level higher than our Prime Minister. Isn’t it weird that you can’t even tell people that you have a REDACTED because to do so would, in itself, contravene the Official Secrets Act? Anyway. Governor.
On Thursday I went to an evening of training provided by the National Governance Association. It was, in itself, an education. The NGA takes quite a ‘hands on’ position and expects school governors to be all over governance, challenging and querying, in a supportive way.
It’s early days of this governing role. I’ve got a lot to learn, but I think I’m in for a very interesting time.
Skool governer? Blimey!
How do you fit it all in?
It’s not easy, Young Masher, but spice is the life of variety, or something similar.
Just be careful not to mix REDACTED with the school stuff. Remember — calling in an air strike is NOT the correct response to someone smoking behind the bike sheds.
Smoking behind the bike sheds is the least of any school’s worries these days, sadly. Although I didn’t smoke behind the bike sheds. In fact I didn’t smoke until I took the Queen’s shilling. No longer, though.