Kicking the habit!

If someone, somewhere sat down and totalled all of the hours I’ve spent checking sitemeter on this blog and over on the very longstanding original ( – but I have shut it down now*) that time would, I’m sure, run to a fearful amount.

Sitemeter. It’s a love/hate thing. The information it gives is addictive, seldom wholly useful and often completely misleading (as anyone who works behind a proxy server with caching, or as anyone who sits behind a local authority firewall – where one IP address is generated for every user, even the public access terminals in libraries!) would know.

But it appears to be useful, and that’s the hook that it sinks surreptitiously in to  your psyche (almost alliterative!).

However, I’ve grown up.

A few days ago I said to the Soph ‘Soph,’ I said, ‘I’m giving up on the sitemeter thing.’

I’ve learned my lessons from the good old/bad old blog about what I can say in public and what I can’t; what will get me kicked out of a job and what won’t. **

Sitemeter has been removed from my browser bookmarks, except for the podcast. Because I want to monitor how the relaunched website goes when it goes live.

And as soon as I get some time this evening I’ll be cancelling my account and removing sitemeter’s bits and bobs from this website.

So that’s it, sitemeter. Thanks for the ride and the service but I’ve got better things to do with my time because I am now a grown up.

B (aged 11-3/4ths).

* I haven’t deleted the old blog because I’m still attached to it. It is, after all, where Soph found me!

** some might think that I now put my indelicate rantings elsewhere. I couldn’t possibly comment.

One thought on “Kicking the habit!

  1. Hoorah for you! I ditched it when i went to WP because i only liked finding out where people came visiting from and i’ve never missed it

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