For *months* the 18yo has complained about poor WiFi reception in her room. The symptoms she has been reporting include:
Alexa has been playing up, phone apps not working well, poor reception on her tablet.
In an attempt to get to the bottom of the issue I used a WiFi signal measuring app.
Her room mostly returned green measurements, with amber hitting in two specific places. My advice was to stay away from those places (to the right of her large bookcase and in front of the window).
My advice failed to remedy the problem.
Fast forward a bunch of months and we had the broadband switch-over on Tuesday. With the increased bandwidth comes a shiny hew eero router.
This evening (Thursday) I wanted to check how things were with her.
She was sitting on the end of her bed (immediately in front of the aforementioned window). She was simultaneously watching a show on her tablet whilst playing with an app on her phone.
‘Have you noticed any difference in your WiFi since the switch over?’ I ask.
Her response?
‘I don’t know.’
Good grief
I had a very similar issue with my daughter complaining about YouTube videos streaming properly everywhere in the house, except in her room. She showed me and I was surprised to see she was correct. I also used a wifi analyser app and could see areas of low signal strength in her room.
A WiFi extender did the trick and she was very happy that she could now stream videos of girls doing their makeup – and other such drivel – without any blocking or pixelation.
Two months later she moved out.
Oh well.
Having changed broadband provider recently, we now have a router that delivers WiFi 6 and gives much better coverage, so the hardly used, forty quid extender is now in a box in the loft.