Broader band

Well, TalkTalk and Openreach conspired to do their stuff and despite the fact we live in a small rural village in the arse end of nowhere much, we are now connected to superdooperamazinglyfastbroaderband. It’s currently delivering 939 Mb/s download and 109Mb/s upload which means we can download a film in 2.73 microseconds or something. It’s just such a shame we don’t download films. But anyway this is where we are. We’re just waiting for the delivery of the second eero pro mesh router, but for now we’re doing just fine on one.

2 thoughts on “Broader band

  1. Well done on joining the 21st Century.
    What’s next, hot and cold running water or an indoor lavatory? 🙂
    I’m pleased to say that our FTTH bradband has been solid as a rock since the day it was installed

    I’ve never understood the film downloading thing that they always use to demonstrate their download speeds.
    No-one downloads films, do they? Surely they are all streamed nowadays.

    1. Next – I really want to get one of those newfangled clothes washing devices. Apparently the old mangle has seen better days and I can’t go on replacing the wooden rollers every 20 years.

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