OK, so. I have been busy. Or at least I think I’ve been busy. On the writing front the manuscript for book #4 (the final book) in the series, now stands at 68k. I hit two really big real-time/real-world issues and one small but I’m over them now; the text is nicely flowing along an amended timeline. The target is to have book #4 published in January 2025.
The three published books have been reprinted (in paperback and Kindle formats) to include an anti-AI-scraping disclaimer and – taking advantage of the reprint – all three books now have new covers.
I’ve put together a quarterly newsletter which will start to go out in a couple of weeks so, four times a year, I’m going to e-bother the lovely people who have subscribed with news, info and maybe a spoiler or two.
And Tempest, Storm, and Hurricane are now available through Waterstones and Foyles websites. I’m liaising with Waterstones Head Office to get the books onto the shelves in their stores, and hope to achieve this before Christmas.
And finally, the Tempest trailer has been updated to reflect the new covers:
Actually, on the bookshelves? Now, that’d be cool!
Like the new trailer… nicely put together.
However, there is a small issue… which I have emailed you about.
It would be cool. It’s pending right now. And thanks for the email.
Better 🙂
Thanks for the heads up. Funny how uploading the same source file once again produced an un-gremlined result.