
Before I get in to this, Film 4 is currently showing Independence Day (the 1996 Bill Pullman/Will Smith one) and I’ve just realised that film is 28 years old and what the actual bloody hell? Twenty eight years?


I’m considering changing my car. It’s been a good and dependably loyal servant (not to mention frugal on those periodical long runs to Bristol/Exeter, and the regular trips to Deganwy and back). I know approximately how much it’s worth thanks to Autotrader. I’ve used that valuation as the base figure and added on some extra £s to give me a budget for the replacement.

What’s foxing me are two things.

The first thing is do I put my car on the market, sell it, and hobble around while I’m trying to sort out the replacement? Or do I go to a dealer and sort out a part-exchange?

The second thing is what do I choose as a replacement? The Insignia is a roomy hatchback which is great for those occasions when there’s a need to take four humans and four dogs (two in the back with the two younger humans, the other two dogs in the boot) on an extended journey.

Hatchbacks under general consideration are models offered by the makers of Audi, BMW, VW Passat, Volvo (other makers area available, these are just the ones under consideration). But there are so many models of Audis, BMWs, VW Passats and Volvos that I’m totally confused I don’t know which way to turn. I’m blocked.

I don’t really want to not make a decision and end up running the Insignia forever and I don’t really want to just rock up to a dealer’s forecourt and say “here’s this, what have you got?”. But maybe that’s not the worst situation? I could tour the dealers in Notts and Lincs and build a mental database of what cars I’m interested in.


2 thoughts on “Blocked

  1. You could always sell it to We Buy Any Car… but I wouldn’t recommend it. The current Mrs M had dealings with them years ago and won’t go near them again.
    Personally, I always part exchange at the dealer. I know I could get a better deal selling it privately, but I just can’t be bothered with all the faff.
    As to which one to get, well, that’s personal choice… I can’t help you there. But, if you go for a German car, you’re beyond help anyway. 🙂
    In other news: The UK’s biggest Amateur Radio show (Hamfest) is on this coming weekend, at Newark Showground. I shall be there on Saturday with a few nerdy mates, if the weather holds out.

  2. My car has just turned 18 years old. It still drives well and has only had one functional issue, a few years ago. I’m not looking forward to having to replace it because it’s a manual gearbox and my recent experience of a fairly modern automatic was, shall we say, fraught.

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