For librarians

Another blogpost expanded from a thread I posted on Bluesky (

On Thursday I went into my local library (I go in every Thursday). This time, instead of looking to take a book out, I took in my three (so far) published books. I explained they’d been reprinted and had new covers. I said that as the library service is underfunded, I wished to donate these updated books.

The librarian checked, said they had the first print of the books, though only one was on the shelves at the moment. She accepted the donation and asked what I wanted to do with the other copies. I said the library could do whatever they wanted.

She said as the books were popular with readers, could she put them out to other libraries? I said yes of course. I showed her the dedication in Storm (“For librarians everywhere, because they know”). She laughed and took a photograph of it.

Libraries are great places. Please use them, they need our patronage as much as we need them to be there.