Well, it’s been quiet…

You know those days when you’ve been so busy that, when you get to the quiet time, you’ve been so hectic you can’t actually recall everything you’ve done? I’ve had a couple of months like that. In moments of insomnia I’ve been jotting a few notes down, to try and buttonhole a few memories of things and it seems to be working as an aide-mémoire.

One of the things I’ve done – a dull, boring, but handy tech thing – is to set up a newsletter on this here website. I’m going to use it to generate four newsletters a year. I’m going to use the content from a few of those insomniac buttonholes, and I’ll add in some current stuff and maybe a spoiler or two several. Folk who know me well can testify that I don’t like handing out spoilers, I prefer readers to come across them within context of the piece they’re reading, so I’ll do some mental gymnastics to allow me to trail some snippets. If you’re interested in joining the newsletter gang, you can sign up right here (and you can leave the newsletter anytime you want).

I’ll tell you about a few more things in the newsletter which begs the question, what is the relationship between the newsletter and this blog? And the answer to that, my friend, is whatever relationship we want it to be 🙂

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